Student Solution


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Module 5 No-prep Journal

Module 5 No-prep Journal

Q Each no-prep journal is based on your pre-existing knowledge. You don’t need to read anything in the module before completing it. I am just interested in your thoughts about the topics we are about to embark on. This week’s main topic is experiments, and the best way to start it is by looking at the science where experiments are absolutely vital: medicine. It is pretty wild to think that just over 100 years ago, people had no idea that hand-washing was the best way to prevent the spread of contagious diseases. In fact, the 25th President of the United States, William McKinley, died not because he was assassinated by an anarchist (in fact, the bullet missed any vital organs, and he should have been able to recover) but because his doctor was putting unwashed hands into the bullet entry wound in McKinley’s abdomen, trying to extract the bullet. As a result of the dirt from the doctor’s hands, McKinley contracted an infection, from which he died. So, who was the first person to figure out that unwashed hands lead to the spread of disease and possible death? Watch this video to find out: After watching the video, write a 2-3 paragraph short essay answering the following questions: • o What would be the best way for Ignaz Semmelweis (Links to an external site.) to prove that it is hand-washing and nothing else that prevents the increased incidence of death among the new mothers? o If you were in his place, what would you do to prove that hand-washing saves lives? o Is there a surefire way to prove it? Only you and the instructor/TA will be able to see journal entries. They are graded based on how thoughtful and to-the-point they are.

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The best way for Ignaz to prove that hand-washing increased death among new mothers is through demonstration and general statistical analysis. During his research, he realized that the maternity ward run by women had a significantly lower death rate than the ward led by doctors and medical students. Semmelweis went through the significant differences between the two units. He realized that a pathologist in a particular section got sick from the same sickness the mothers in the wards died of; childbed fever (Eyejaydoubleyew, 2009).